Cash Truck

Going to the Movie Theather at the end of covid pandemic

7 August 2021

Going to the Movie Theather… again!

Few days ago I heard that Movie Theathers are nearly 10% of the visitors as it was below the covid pandemic So why not to visit a see a movie then?? In this post I’d like to share few thoughts about this movie. What did I decode in these hidden messages ?!?!?!

By the way, This is just my personal opinion! so just relax and have a fun reading for the next 5 minutes!

The Movie: “Cash Truck” Hidden Thoughts!

So much dangers because of the cash logistics

Probably so many people today already using digital forms of payments. There are probably some people who still prefer to use cash. Obviously, once that in the physical form, then it must be handled. Once there is a lot of it…

People are not like dogs, they are more complex

I heard once this one. When dog sees the stranger at the gate it will bark and fight! The dog will be defending, yelling, fighting… But once it’s over the dog will forget the thing. The dog will shake head and feel as normal after just few minutes. That fight would be deeply forgotten on the spot! People are not like that. They will keep memory and some of them will do quite complicated things. Same as the main character who is driven by the revenge, will plant so much complicated and dangerous mission… just incredible!

Bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

I felt very sad for the boy who was just in the wrong spot at the wrong time. This is so much in our lives. There is probably just one solution which is to avoid dangerous places at all. Or perhaps just trying to access dangers of each place before we go there?

Oh so bad message about countries with so much weapons!

In some countries having weapons is normal, in others it’s not. Is this the message that when it’s too much it’s not good?

Too much money will turn human into evil

Not much comments about this as the movie already showing that. Even worse is when we have a combination of three things:

  • Money
  • Competition
  • Weapons

The resulting end is probably just one survived with all those money…

However you smart you’ll pay at the end!

This is probalby the most remarkable part. Imagine that one who thought to be the smartest person in the world would just be checkmated!

Overall, is it a good movie or bad?

Why it is bad?

Violence and too much violence. Spectator is placed into very emotional situations which are probably aren’t great for sensible people

Why is it great?

Superhero that is achieving victory of good over bad! These are the good feelings that would make your day!


Well, go to the movie theather! Enjoy and think: may be there is an interesting idea or message that can energize and motivate ;)

Thank you for reading!!!

Interests: industry, teaching, science, history, travels. I also like to travel with family and watch/play ice hockey